eID and a trust infrastructure throughout Switzerland
The officially recognized eID is being introduced. It enables users to prove their identity electronically. The eID requires the establishment and operation of a trust infrastructure across all three federal levels, in particular a state wallet and a base and trust register.
E-ID legislative amendment and pilot projects (a project of the DPSS agenda)
Swiss residents should be able to identify themselves securely online. This requires state-recognised electronic proof of identification (e-ID). The Confederation will issue the state e-ID and be responsible for operating the necessary trust infrastructure. In addition to developing the legal basis (e-ID Act), technologies are also being trialled for the trust infrastructure. Various pilot projects are being carried out in this area. For example, the Federal Chancellery (FCh) has reviewed the feasibility of an electronic ID card for federal employees (proof of concept ePerso). The Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) and the Association of Driver and Vehicle Licensing Offices (asa) are testing an electronic learner's licence with the aim of also being able to offer other road traffic licences as electronic credentials. There are also a number of cantonal and private pilot projects.
Remark: The E-ID program has not been completed. Further measures are planned. The involvement of staff from the DPSS office is still guaranteed.
Organisation responsible for service: fedpol; Federal Office of Justice (FOJ)
Contact: Philippe Lorenz, fedpol; Urs Paul Holenstein, FOJ
End date: 13.12.2024
E-ID trust infrastructure – support for introduction (DPSS agenda project)
In addition to the development of the legal basis (E-ID Act), technologies for the E-ID trust infrastructure are also being tested for the establishment of the state electronic identification (E-ID). Fundings are planned to support measures for its introduction in the cantons. Above all, applications for the trust infrastructure, such as further electronic certificates or issuing platforms, are tested, such as "Further development of the TG4U as a PoC for integration into existing cantonal and municipal systems".
Further development of the TG4U as a PoC for integration into existing cantonal and municipal systems
The PoC ‘Thurgau Digital Culture and Leisure Pass’ will be continued due to its high level of user acceptance and the interest shown by federal projects, tourism organisations, leisure providers and associations. The findings from the PoC TG4U as a digital certificate are incorporated into the development of the E-ID trust infrastructure.
Organisation responsible for service: Canton of Thurgau
Contact: Reto Schubnell
End date: 31.05.2026
Development of the electronic driver's license mDL (a project of the DPSS agenda)
The development and implementation of the electronic driver's license mDL is to be driven forward from 2025. The DPSS finances the implementation of the electronic driver's license as part of the trust infrastructure of the state e-ID. As one of the most important digital proofs for the trust infrastructure of the e-ID, the electronic driver's license is a strong driver for widespread use among the population.
Developing content standardisation for verifiable credentials (digital evidence)
It is important to introduce standardisation at an early point in the process in order to promote the issue and use of digital credentials in the administrative environment. A prioritised list is kept of digital verifiable credentials (VC) across the public authority sector. All the required features of the proof of identification are compiled for precise definition, and referenced or described in a list of features. This list is then used to compile and review the individual items of proof with the help of stakeholder groups. The overall result is called the "VC catalogue" and is provided in both human- and machine-readable form.
Organisation responsible for service: DPSS Office
Contact: Marcel Kessler